
We live in an age of information. Thousands of terabytes are created daily. Data Visualization and Design Best Practices Using QlikView introduces you to the topic of visualization: the practice of creating images that make sense of all that data and enable insight. Using a database provided with the course, you will use the principles of visualization, information design and user-centered design to produce an end product that incorporates all of those concepts and theories. In this course, you will combine your visualization and QlikView skills together to get the most out of this experience. This is a must-have course for those who design QlikView applications and are looking for the best approaches and techniques to organizing data.

Class Type and Duration

  • Instructor led or Virtual Instructor led*
  • 2 days

Course Prerequisites

  • QlikView Designer Course – Required


  • Business Analysts
  • Data Architects

Skills Learned

  • Identify aspects of visualization design
  • Develop user-centered workflows
  • Organize and structure information
  • Create QlikView applications by applying aspects of good visualization design
  • Identify the best approaches to the design of QlikView applications

Course Outline

  • Visualization design
  • User-Centered workflows
  • Organizing information
  • Data presentation
  • Color and contrast
  • Putting it together in QlikView
  • Enhancing charts
  • Working with color and typography